
IIDA membership provides a network of diverse industry professionals and offers opportunities to advance careers with continuing education, inspiration, professional development and industry recognition.

You Shape and Influence Every Level of the Design Industry

15,000+ Members

35,000 Chapters

90 City Centers

58 Countries

127 Campus Centers

Pie Chart

Membership Levels

Professional (Interior Designer or Architect)

The IIDA Professional membership is designed for practitioners of interior design that have passed either the NCIDQ or the ARE.

Annual Professional Dues: $565


IIDA Associate membership is designed for interior designers that have completed at least two years of formal interior design education but have not yet become NCIDQ certified.

Annual Associate Dues: $325-$565*

*Cost increases depending on length of time as an Associate Member.


IIDA Student membership is designed for the interior design student interested in professional development opportunities and expanding their professional network within the design industry.

Annual Student Dues: $60


IIDA Industry membership is designed for companies in the A&D industry that are certified dealers or manufacturers who design or distribute products or services used by commercial interior designers. This is usually for manufacturers at the national level. Prices vary widely depending on the quantity of representatives included.

Individual Industry

The IIDA Industry Individual Membership is designed for professionals engaged in the interior design industry who do not practice interior design, but make exemplary interior design possible. 

Annual Individual Industry Dues: $565


The IIDA Educator Membership is designed for educators and facilitators of interior design education. Educator Professionals are full-time educators, adjunct professors, and department chairs that meet the IIDA Professional Member requirements, while Educator Associates meet the IIDA Associate Member requirements.

Annual Educator Professional Dues: $325

Annual Educator Associate Dues: $285

Membership Benefits

IIDA chapters and city centers cultivate community while giving you access to the information you need, where you need it—industry news, local networking events, CEUs, and updates on relevant advocacy and regulatory activities that affect your right to practice.

What can your IIDA membership do for you?
  • Professional and Associate members in the United States receive complimentary magazines and publications that cover technical and theoretical topics in design as well as community news and events.

  • Tuition reimbursement, access to in-depth knowledge and research, and links to industry leaders and events help you get ahead in the business aspect of design. 

  • Chapter and regional professional development, including webinars, leadership training, and continuing education opportunities.

  • Members receive first notice of special events and registration discounts. Many events, including most CEU courses, are free for members at the local level.

  • Networking opportunities through local chapters and international programs. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are interested in advancing the design profession.

  • Awards and other recognition opportunities at both the national and local levels. View a list of available competitions and awards.

  • Access to the national IIDA Career Center and the local Career Center. Grow your career and explore open opportunities in your area.

  • Advocacy for interior design code and licensing initiatives. IIDA headquarters encourages advocacy nationally while the local chapter supports specific advocacy efforts in your state.

  • Discounts and incentives for members only. Discounts are available at UPS, Constant Contact, VSP, Wyndham, Avis, Lifelock - and more! Email [email protected] for more information.


If you are a member in good standing, you can use the IIDA acronym after your name. Using your IIDA designation shows your clients, employers, and peers that you are deeply committed to your profession. It demonstrates to a prospective employer that you have the qualifications that give you an edge.

AssociateAssociate IIDA or Assoc. IIDAJoe Doe, Associate IIDA or Joe Doe, Assoc. IIDA
College of FellowsFIIDAJohn Smith, FIIDA
EmeritusEmeritus IIDA or EIIDAJean Smith, Emeritus IIDA or Jean Smith, EIIDA
Emeritus College of FellowsEmeritus FIIDAJane Doe, Emeritus FIIDA or Jane Doe, EFIIDA
HonoraryHonorary IIDA or Hon. IIDAJean Smith, Honorary IIDA or Jean Smith, Hon. IIDA
IndustryIndustry IIDA or Ind. IIDAJoan Smith, Industry IIDA or Joan Smith, Ind. IIDA
ProfessionalIIDAJane Doe, IIDA
StudentStudent IIDAJohn Smith, Student IIDA
Where to use your IIDA credential?
  • On your business cards, website, and letterhead.
  • When being interviewed or presenting.
  • When receiving recognition in press releases, newsletters, and announcements.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become an IIDA member and what are the membership options?

IIDA is a national organization, and membership is through IIDA headquarters out of the Chicago office. You can review membership options, sign up, or renew your membership on their website at

Your address will determine your local chapter; if you would like to change your chapter, please contact IIDA headquarters. If your contact information changes, you will need to contact both IIDA headquarters and your local chapter.

What is the difference between membership and sponsorship?

You can be both a member and a sponsor!

Although your membership allows you to join a local community, your membership itself is a national membership. Therefore, your membership payments and the signup/renewal process are through IIDA headquarters. 

There are companies who sponsor IIDA headquarters at the national level, but most of the sponsorship of your local chapter is through local sponsors such as dealers, sales representatives, and firms. Funds given by local sponsors go directly to the chapter. Please be sure to thank your local sponsors because their generosity allows us to host events and programs for our members.

Because membership and sponsorship are not the same, they have different benefits and requirements. Members often receive benefits for being a member, such as free admittance into events, while sponsors receive benefits as outlined in the sponsorship package for the year. See the Sponsorship page for more information.

Email the Vice President of Membership

Please use the form below to contact the Vice President of Membership, Bridgette Pilkington.

Please use the form below to contact the Vice President of Membership, Bridgette Pilkington.