IIDA is the commercial interior design association with global reach. We support design professionals, industry affiliates, educators, students, firms, and their clients through our network of 15,000+ members across 58 countries. We advocate for advancement in education, design excellence, legislation, leadership, accreditation, and community outreach to increase the value and understanding of interior design as a profession that enhances business value and positively impacts the health and well-being of people’s lives every day.
Who is IIDA HQ?
IIDA HQ has many tools and resources to benefit the design community:
IIDA is a global organization. IIDA Alabama is a local chapter of this organization, and encompasses the entire state of Alabama.
If I am a member of IIDA, am I a member of IIDA or IIDA Alabama?
All memberships are through IIDA HQ. You will process your membership through their website and pay them directly. Your local chapter affiliation is determined by the address you provide with them at the time of registration or renewal. For more information, see our Membership page.
If I am a sponsor, am I a sponsor of IIDA or IIDA Alabama?
Unless you are part of a larger organization that may sponsor IIDA HQ, sponsorship is mostly a local effort. If your organization is a sponsor of HQ, it does not necessarily mean your organization is also a sponsor of IIDA Alabama. All sponsorship raised for our local chapter benefits our local chapter directly. For more information, see our Sponsorship page.